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Jace: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 5) Page 3

  Then he spotted an open door that led to what looked like an adjoining bathroom. Not wanting to barge in on her, he stepped back into the hallway.

  He hadn’t quite decided whether he wanted to knock on Ivy’s door or head to the kitchen to look for some food. Jace figured she’d show up eventually. Because he was hungry, he opted to go after the food.

  He was halfway there when the doorbell rang. He waited for Ivy to answer it, but when the bell rang again, he figured she might be napping or something.

  Jace rushed to the front and pulled open the door, half expecting one of Poppy’s sisters or one of their mates to give him news about Primrose’s new baby. Only it wasn’t one of them. “Ivy?”

  “Sorry.” She breezed by him, not making eye contact.

  Too many questions bombarded him. “Hold up a minute,” he said as he trailed after her.

  She spun around when she reached the kitchen. “I goofed up again. Okay? Happy?”

  “Whoa. Where did that come from? I only answered the door.”

  Her shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry.” She pulled out a kitchen chair and dropped down onto the seat. “Did Poppy tell you why I’m here?”

  She hadn’t, but Jace thought it was obvious. “To take care of the baby, right? Poppy has extra responsibilities in the store now that all of her sisters are dealing with a baby in one way or another. It makes sense that she’d like some help.”

  “That’s true, but I have another problem that she said she’d help me with.”

  “Which is?”

  “You just witnessed it. Her grandmother back on Earth thought Poppy could help me with my rather erratic ability to teleport.”

  Either his hormones—which were going crazy—were blocking his thought process, or else she just wasn’t making any sense. “If you can teleport, does that mean you are a goddess?” She sure looked like one. That explained how she went from the baby’s room to the outside while he was standing in front of her bedroom door.

  Her adorable mouth parted slightly. “Seriously? Me a goddess. Ah, no. I’m a Wendayan who can teleport.”

  “A Wendayan?” He didn’t know what that was. Jace pulled out a chair and sat across from her.

  “A witch if you will.”

  “Like a white lighter. Got it. I can see why you might think your skills would upset people, like if you popped up say in the middle of a restaurant without warning. I dare say you’d probably scare a few people, but those on Tarradon have seen stranger things before. Your sudden appearance would be quickly dismissed.”

  “Stranger things? Do you mean like dragons?”

  Did she think dragons were weird? He then remembered that there weren’t any on Earth. “Yes, like dragons.”

  Ivy studied him. “Can you teleport?” she asked with such innocence he had to smile.

  “That would be a no. I’m a dragon shifter with no other talents.”

  “I’ve never met anyone on Earth who could fly. I think that is a wonderful trait.”

  “Thank you.” Score one for him. “What else can you do?” He was very interested.

  “Well… I can heat up or freeze something just by holding my hand over it.”

  “Seriously?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Ivy’s eyes became animated, and then she pushed back her chair. “Let me show you.”

  He believed her, but she seemed determined to demonstrate her skills. Just being with her had his libido almost out of control. He wasn’t positive, but every once in a while some blue sparks would escape off her arms whenever he was near. Dare he hope it meant she was excited?

  Yes. It’s because she is our mate! his dragon said, happier than he’d ever sounded.

  I just might agree with you, but remember she isn’t from here. No telling when she’ll return home. And Jace had no intention of moving to Earth. His dragon would never allow that—mate or no mate.

  I can’t believe you of all people can’t convince her to stay here.

  His dragon just might be right for once.

  Ivy filled a coffee cup with water, carried it over to the table, and set it down. “Hot or cold?” she asked.

  “Freeze it.” This was going to be interesting.

  She inhaled deeply, closed her eyes, and held her hand over the cup. Ivy didn’t move a muscle, but he suspected she was saying some kind of chant or spell or whatever white lighters did to make it happen.

  Right before his eyes, steam poured upward. Ivy lifted her hand if she’d been burned. “Oh, shit. I told it to freeze. You see? I’m a Wendayan failure. Grrr.”

  “You aren’t a failure. Hell, I can barely boil water using a stove, let alone just using my hand. That talent could come in very handy—especially if you’re camping.”

  “Camping? Ah, not this girl. I’d probably end up burning down the forest.”

  He didn’t understand why she was being so hard on herself, but right now, she didn’t seem to be in the sharing mood. What she needed was some understanding. “I’m sorry.”

  Ivy finally looked him in the eye. “Poppy was right. You are a nice guy.”

  Her compliment caused more than just his cock to respond. “Just stating the truth, witch lady. I wouldn’t worry about your skills being slightly off. You’ll figure it out.”

  “It’s why I’m here. At least, part of the reason why I’m here. I will be taking care of Brody, but Poppy promised to help me.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  The big question was what would happen when Slade’s mate succeeded in helping Ivy harness her skills? Would she return to Earth? Damn. Jace honestly hadn’t believed he’d ever find his mate. Now that he had, she might disappear as quickly as she came.

  Brody’s cries reached her, and Ivy stiffened. “That’s my cue. I need to take care of the baby. Sorry.” She stood.

  Jace pushed back his chair. “I’ll come with you.”

  She stilled. “Are you going to help?” It certainly couldn’t be because he found her company exciting.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “Have you ever changed a diaper before?” Jace Sanders seemed to be many things, but good with babies wasn’t one of them. The last time he’d held Brody, he seemed quite uncomfortable.

  “Of course I have.”

  His confident tone almost made her smile. That, or the way every muscle in his body had frozen when he’d agreed to help. His reaction reminded her of herself. Ivy had to admit Jace was quite adorable when a hint of insecurity surfaced. “Then come on.”

  He followed her into the baby’s room. Even though he was behind her, she could almost feel the heat of his stare boring into her back. That was ridiculous of course, but it seemed like it probably was because she was aware of the way his feet hit the floor a lot harder than hers, and how his slight shadow loomed in front of her. His intoxicating scent wasn’t something that came out of a bottle either, and it stirred something deep inside her. He smelled like linen hung on a line to dry in the sun.

  Oh, shit. She slapped a hand over her arm to hide those stupid blue sparks.

  Yup, she liked him all right, and that had always been the kiss of death for her in the past. Ivy still hadn’t figured out what she did to put men off. Was it because the Wendayans she’d dated were intimidated by her powers? Possibly. When she went out with humans though, she’d tried to hide all of her abilities.

  With Jace it was different though. She wouldn’t have to hide anything. He was a big, strong dragon shifter, which for her was a big wow.

  Her issue could be that every time a guy would start making out with her, she’d turn all shy. Then he would accuse her of being a tease. Little did he realize it was because she was uncomfortable with it all, constantly fearing she’d do something wrong. If they could talk first and get to know each other, she might be more successful at relaxing around a guy.

  Right now, Ivy needed to make sure Brody was taken care of and not worry about dating. She pushed open the door, and the baby quieted right away but only for a m
oment. Then he let out another wail.

  “What’s wrong, Brody? We’re here now,” Ivy said in her soft voice.

  “From the smell, I think the answer is obvious.”

  She inhaled. “I can’t smell much.”

  “Dragons have highly sensitive noses.”

  She chuckled. “If yours is anything like Slade’s, I agree.”

  Jace strode over to the crib and lifted Brody. At first the baby stilled, and then he began waving his arms and legs. “Wiggly creature, isn’t he?” Jace said.

  Wiggly? “Put him on the changing table, and I’ll gather what he’ll need. Just make sure he doesn’t fall off.”

  “I got this.”

  Thankfully, he didn’t sound offended. As she picked up the diapers, wipes, and powder, Jace unlatched Brody’s diaper. “Oh, good goddess. What have you been eating, dude?”

  She laughed. “Just his mom’s breast milk.”

  Jace turned around and grimaced, though she wasn’t sure if it was because she said the word breast, or if the smell had offended him even worse. She rushed over and nudged him aside. “I’ll take over.”

  “I can do it.”

  She didn’t want to get in the way of his ego. “How about I clean him up and then you can change his diaper?”

  He smiled, and her insides nearly exploded. “I can do that.”

  No man had ever affected her in this way before. Just then two more sparks flitted off her arms. Heat rose to her face. Ivy held her breath waiting for him to comment, but all he did was continue to smile.

  As if it was natural for the two of them to work side by side, she removed the diaper and folded it. “Would you mind disposing of this in the bin over there. It might need to be emptied in the can out back. I think it’s full.”

  That would get him out of the room, allowing her to concentrate on Brody. “Sure.”

  Jace disappeared, giving her time to clean up the baby. Just as she’d finished, he returned, distracting her once more.

  Ivy leaned over and kissed Brody’s forehead. “You are so sweet. I’m handing you off to an expert now.” She turned to Jace. “He’s all yours.”

  “Thank you.” Jace picked up the diaper and turned it around, not once but twice, acting as if he had no idea which was the front and which was the back.

  Ivy had been about to point it out to him, when she thought better of it and said nothing. Men liked to be independent. Instead of directing him, she searched through Brody’s drawers for his sleepwear. From the way the baby was yawning, it wasn’t too early to dress him for bed.

  When she returned, she checked out Jace’s handiwork. “Ah, I believe you put it on backward.”

  His brows pinched, and then a smile brightened his face. “I thought something seemed off.”

  His happy-go-lucky attitude was so refreshing. In no time, he had the diaper on correctly. “I’ll put this on him,” she said.

  Jace stepped back. “Maybe it’s for the best.”

  Just as she finished and was putting Brody back in his crib, Jace’s stomach grumbled. She placed the baby down and then wiggled her fingers in front of his face to distract him.

  “What do you say we go into town for something to eat?” Jace asked.

  Her blood pressure dropped. Was he actually asking her out on a date? She could only hope. On second thought, it must be a date. If it hadn’t been, he would have just gone by himself. “That sounds great, but there’s one problem.”

  “Say no more. We’ll take the baby with us.” He stepped over to the carrier and picked it up. “I’m sure Brody will sleep through our dining festivities, and I know just the place where he won’t be disturbed.”

  “You’ve been here often?”

  “I wouldn’t say often, but Slade and I have eaten in our fair share of Edendale restaurants during some of our planning sessions.”

  “I’ll need to let Poppy know.”

  “Good idea.”

  She looked down at her clothes. “I’ll have to change too.”

  “You look perfect.”

  Once more heat rose to her cheeks. “I have spit up on my shirt.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I’ll get Brody ready while you change.”

  “Thank you. I’ll text Poppy.” Thank goodness Poppy had left her phone.

  With a quick glance upward, she prayed she didn’t mess this up.

  Chapter Four

  Jace tried to ignore how adorable Ivy looked sitting next to a sleeping baby at the restaurant, but he failed. His mind refused to stop thinking about what it would be like to have a mate and a baby of his own. The moment he allowed himself to dream though, his blue scales began to glow under his skin, and his talons almost exposed themselves, forcing him to demand his dragon shut down. Shifting in the middle of Highlanders’ Steakhouse would not be appreciated by anyone, especially Ivy.

  “Tell me about yourself,” Ivy said once they had ordered.

  While he’d been asked that question many times, it was never with this level of interest. “As Slade mentioned, I live in Plux, where we build homes and buildings for businesses. Right now, however, we’re constructing a high-end hotel.”

  “Very cool. I take it you’re from there?”

  “Yup, as is Slade. I’m the oldest of seven children, and everyone still lives in town.” To the dismay of his family, his youngest brother was not as successful as he was, which was why Jace helped that one rather lazy brother financially on occasion.

  Her eyes widened. “Wow. What I wouldn’t give to have even one sibling.”

  Her sadness cut a hole in his heart. “Was it lonely growing up?”

  “Kind of.”

  “You must have had friends, right?” He rarely had the house to himself. Loneliness was never an option.

  Her wistfulness evaporated. “I did.” She looked off to the side. “Or rather I had one really good friend. Clara and I were alike in many ways.”

  “How so?” This side of her fascinated him.

  “We are both Wendayans. As such, we were taught to keep our talents to ourselves.” She explained how humans were unaware of shifters on Earth and only put up with some of the Wendayans—the ones who specialized in more mental activities, like fortune telling or talking to the dead.

  “Earth sounds rather repressive.”

  “You’ve not been?” He could have sworn she sounded excited.

  “Nope. Maybe someday, but I doubt my dragon would appreciate being held in check for any length of time.”

  “I can see why. You seem to fly everywhere.”

  He didn’t want to give her the wrong impression. “I drive a lot when I’m in Plux. I’m not good at holding on to loads of construction materials with my claws.”

  She chuckled. “I guess not.”

  Their wine arrived, and Jace held up his glass. “To your new adventure in Tarradon.”

  She tapped her drink against his and smiled, forcing Jace to slip his free hand under the table to keep his cock from pressing hard against his pants.

  Just breathe, his dragon urged.

  Like you don’t want to take her home and make love with her? Jace asked.

  Hell yeah, I do.

  Then why are you telling me to calm down?

  So you can avoid being embarrassed. If you can do that, we might get lucky.

  Jace’s dragon was insane. “Was your family upset when you decided to go to another realm?” he asked.

  Her jaw tightened. “I think they were happy that I would get the help I needed. They knew I was an odd duckling and felt sorry for me.”

  Ouch. “Odd duckling? I’ve not heard of that expression before.”

  She chuckled. “Everything here seems so much like Earth that I forget there are a lot of differences.”

  “Like idioms?” he asked.

  “Yes, like idioms, and all of the brands of cars that I don’t recognize. The money is different too, but that’s not surprising. I mean, Earth has so many different kinds too.”

bsp; “We use Denlars on all of Tarradon.”

  “Really? That makes Tarradon sound so unified. I like that. Do you think of yourselves as one big family?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. We have our strife, trust me. How about we talk about something more pleasant?” Jace never did like to discuss politics.

  “Okay, like what?”

  “Like you.”

  Jace wanted to talk about her? Ivy was blown away. No man had ever paid this much attention to her, let alone give her compliments. In truth, it actually unnerved her, in part because she wasn’t sure how to respond. As much as she wanted to think there could be something between them, he’d be leaving on Sunday for his hometown. She also wasn’t foolish enough to believe she could actually fall for a guy after knowing him for a few hours, even though they did seem to have a connection in part because Jace Sanders seemed kind of inept at a few things—just like she was.

  Needing to regain her composure under his perusal, she looked down at Brody only to find his pacifier had fallen out of his mouth. Not wanting to lose it, she picked it up and tucked it under his blanket.

  “Our food is here,” Jace said. The man seemed to have a second sense about when he made her uncomfortable.

  “Great.” As much as she wanted to have something interesting to say, she was at a loss. Ivy had chosen a seafood platter, and while she didn’t recognize most of the types of fish she’d ordered, their server had assured her it was mild. “It looks delicious.”

  “The only way to know is to taste it,” he said.

  Ivy did just that, and her taste buds burst with flavor. “This is incredible. I trust there are oceans and lakes nearby?”

  He smiled. “Yes. From what I’ve been able to tell, Earth and Tarradon are alike in that way. Like Earth that has both warm and cold regions, Tarradon does too. Avonbelle province has the most temperate climate compared to the others, possibly because it has a lot of lakes, hills, and oceans.”

  “It feels hotter than Tennessee.”

  “Maybe, but I’ve heard your winter is cold.”

  “That it is. Driving in the snow and icy conditions is really hard, especially at night.” Her eyesight wasn’t the best, but she didn’t have the courage to have her eyes checked and be told she had to wear glasses. She was enough of a geek as it was.